Yellow Alert for Warrior Societies

It looks like summer is coming early this year, in more ways than one - i am forwarding the below call to support the Mohawk Nation from the Okiijida Society. They ask that people forward it by email or post it to their websites. [-Sketchy Thoughts]
March 31st 2006. The Okiijida Society is issuing a yellow alert for all Warrior Societies regarding the escalating situation between Mohawks at Six Nations and the Ontario Provincial Police. In 1990, most First Nations were in shock over the Oka crisis. Since 1990, warrior societies have meet regularly to plan out a strategy if a similar situation occurred. A yellow alert is a stand by alert issued by warrior societies to their membership on a particular situation. It is also a warning to Canada that the situation is being monitored.
Mohawks at Six Nations issued the following, "At noon, Wednesday, March 29th, four Ontario Provincial Police OPP cruisers were spotted at the nearby Unity Road School, three Jimmys, about 14 to 15 undercover cops, two cruisers side by side above the site and on the other side at Canadian Tire the cruisers face the site directly .We welcome our brothers, sisters, friends and allies with open arms to stand in solidarity with us against this illegal invasion of Six nations Land (Highway 6, Caledonia Ontario)."
In 1990, Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation was the first non Mohawks to blockade to show their support. The warrior societies across Canada agreed to the following on situations like this. 1. To stay in our home territory and monitor the situation. 2. That if bloodshed occurred we would take action in our territories that would include blockades but more importantly, we agreed that in the event of the Canadian army killing indigenous people, we would bring the Canadian economy to a halt. We have made it perfectly clear to Canada that the Treaties gave recognition to the whites to peaceful co-existence, deliberate bloodshed by Canada is an end to that treaty right.
As the Mohawks stated "The whole issue is jurisdiction and title and we're allies, not subjects,". Canada must stop using guns to resolve its legal disputes with the Indigenous People. They know they stole it, they have to give it back." It will remain to be seen if the Conservatives who were in power in 1990 have learned anything from the Oka crisis.
For Further information contact
Chief Terrance Nelson
Categories: armed-struggle, canada, first-nations, repression
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