Monday, March 09, 2009

J. Sakai: Notes Toward an Understanding of Capitalist Crisis & Theory

J. Sakai has contributed a text looking at Marx's thought in light of the current economic crisis, asking some tentative questions of what it all might mean in terms of strategy, and things to come.

You can check it out on the Kersplebedeb site: Notes Toward an Understanding of Capitalist Crisis & Theory.


  1. Awesome, I was hoping that Sakai would publish something again talking about this stuff.

  2. Hey, thanks for the high5. The Obama offensive is on the horizon here. Without the Bush subsidies, our local storefront health clinic has had to triple their cash charge for visits by non-insured. In Washington, Obama has signalled that he is ready for new income taxes on health benefits. Locally, his political allies are attacking senior citizen mass transit benefits. So the predicted offensive against the working class has started--but why do some people think that it will come from the Right, as opposed to the liberals who really are doing the dirty work?

