U.S. Troops Gang Rape Filipina Woman in the Philippines

this forwarded from the very worthwhile Freedom Archives mailing list:
News Release Nov. 3, 2005
For reference: Berna Ellorin, Public Information Officer, BAYAN USA, ny@bayanusa.org / phone: 646-479-1605 http://www.bayanusa.org/
New York/San Francisco The national alliance of Filipino organizations in the US known as BAYAN USA and its supporters strongly condemn the recent and brutal gang rape of a 22 year-old Filipina woman by at least six US Marines stationed in Subic Bay, Olongapo City two days ago last Tuesday, November 1.
The six suspects are currently being held in the Philippines under the custody of the US Embassy in Manila. BAYAN USA spokesperson Berna Ellorin asserted, "this heinous crime against the Filipino people at the hands of the US military troops commands nothing less than comprehensive justice. This can only mean all efforts must be exerted by both the US and Philippine authorities for a full investigation of the alleged perpetrators. Absolutely NO IMMUNITY must be granted to the six suspects under US jurisdiction. They must surrender to Philippine jurisdiction be tried and held accountable to the Filipino people and its legal system. The Macapagal-Arroyo government, if it is one with its people, must facilitate such a due process. Anything else is NOT justice."
According to the unidentified female victim, the group of six US marines invited her to join them in a rented van after a night out in a karaoke bar. A few hours later, as reported by the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), witnesses said they saw the unconscious woman's body being dumped from the van on a road.
SBMA Chair Feliciano Salonga confirmed that the six US servicemen-- Keith Silkwood, Daniel Smith, Albert Lara, Dominic Duplantis, Corey Barris, and Chad Capent-- were "identified by the driver of the van."
Ellorin zoomed in on a vague claim by the US Embassy and US Charges D'Affairs Paul Jones that the US would "cooperate" with the Philippine authorities in an investigation of the incident.
"There is a century-long history of US military atrocities committed against Filipinos in the Philippines that were never brought to justice," Ellorin stated, citing previous examples including the shooting of unarmed civilian Buyong-Buyong Isnijal by US Soldier Reggie Lane in Basilan back in July 2002, the shooting of Aetas (an indigenous people) near Subic back in the eighties by US troops who claimed to have mistook them as wild boar, and countless human rights violations and sexual offenses against Filipino women.
"In all cases, Philippine government surrendered its criminal jurisdiction to the US. US soldiers, as protected by provisions under the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) are seldom surrendered to Philippine authorities much less tried under Philippine law. They are totally untouchable under US jurisdiction, despite crimes they can commit against Filipinos on Philippine soil. This means they can get away with anything from murder to gang rape, and not have to answer to the Philippine government," Ellorin explained.
Ellorin cited the unconstitutionality of the Visiting Forces Agreement in the first place, stating it directly violates Philippine national sovereignty. "The VFA should be repealed at once, for the rights and welfare of the Filipino people.
Jones, on the other hand, refused to disclose the exact whereabouts of the six US rape suspects, who were among the 4,500 US servicemen in the Philippines for the Talon joint military exercises since several weeks ago.
BAYAN USA called for increased national action in indignation and demanding justice for the victim. It reiterated its call for the total and unconditional withdrawal of US troops and US military aid from the Philippines.
For news reports on the gang rape, visit the following links:
BAYAN USA is an alliance of progressive Filipino groups in the U.S. representing organizations of students, scholars, women, workers, and youth. As the only international chapter of Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN-Philippines), BAYAN USA serves as an information bureau for the national democratic movement of the Philippines and as a campaign center for anti-imperialist Filipinos in the U.S. Members of BAYAN USA include: ANAKBAYAN (Los Angeles & Seattle), Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (Oakland, Bay Area), Habi-Arts (Los Angeles), New York Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (NY), League of Filipino Students (San Francisco), Pilipinos Organizing Workers for Empowerment and Respect (Los Angeles), and Critical Filipino and Filipino Studies Collective.
To receive official BAYAN USA statements and press releases please join the bayanusanews list. Just send a request to info@bayanusa.org.
And if you are in San Francisco you may want to check out this protest today:
Today, Friday, November 4th, 4:30-6pm San Francisco Federal Building 450 Golden Gate Avenue (Cross Street is Polk) San Francisco, CA
Organized by BAYAN USA, babae, League of Filipino Students, Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines For more information contact: info@bayanusa.org or call 415-412-8915 or 510-914-4461
Categories: imperialism, philippines, united-states-military, violence-against-women
If i were a Conservative with morals I would be an oxymoron...
ReplyDeleteUnlike you, who seem to be a simple unqualified moron...
But then again, even most morons will acknowledge that women have better things to do with their time that to make up spurious rape allegations, so maybe i should qualify that - you're a sexist moron!
I've written a blog post regarding this issue because I am deeply bothered by the rather passive reactions of some Filipinos here. This is a national concern. What in the world are they doing?
@ Analogue: Congratulations, you don't anything about the situation and you are pretending to be the logical being that you're not.
i am leaving the above post on m blog as an example of just how racism and sexism can intersect, with the essential consequence of denying any Filippina woman any right over her own body, for her word is worthless in this man's eyes.
ReplyDeleteThe message is clear: if you're of certain nationalities, you had better get raped in front of a video camera if you want anyone to take you seriously. "Your type" just can't be trusted.
Just ask "Gago", he knows all about how "girls" like you just love to persecute innocent American men...
Well, you didn't exactly get what I meant. Let me try again.
ReplyDeletePoint-1: My first problem, and this issue is anywhere not just the Philippines, if someone says they are raped (or a victim of any crime) if I get what you are trying to say, there is no need for the legal system; just execute the guy, no trial, no nothing just because one person says he did it-Do I read you right?
Makes me wonder what kind of society you support, where people are accused and convicted without any trial at all. Sounds like the inquisition. Talk about racists. You are convicting them because they are not Filipino. If a bunch of Filipino Marines were accused of this we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Oh, and at this point it is not a fact the girl was raped. How did you come to your conclusion she was? I’m just curious.
Point-2: It is a well documented fact (check with the UN) the Filipino legal system is corrupt as they come!
If there was a fair trial and the guys were convicted I'd be first to condemn them!
You have already made up your mind who you believe-I haven't.
My experiences tell me there is more to this story than an ordinary Filipina being raped by 4 guys.
Racist, well, I have never been accused of that. I think my wife (who is Filipina) would have something to say about that. No, I'm about being fair and not judging before I see all evidence. I most likely contribute much more to the Filipino people than the average Filipino. Several college graduates owe thanks to me paying their way and several families benefit from my generosity. These people are not my blood or countrymen, yet I still help. Why would I do that if I was a racist? No, sometime I think I love the Philippines and the Filipino people more than they do themselves!
I believe if this is true then it is a heinous crime and the guys should pay with their life, that being said...... I know nothing about the girl, was she a bar girl? Prostitute? Was this a scam? The articles I have read evade this and just say she was vacationing in Subic and she is an innocent victim. Yes, I suppose prostitutes get raped but in my mind that’s an occupational hazard. Not the same thing as an innocent school girl being savagely raped.
I for one, at least since the base closed have never met a "vacationing" student in the bar district in Subic or anywhere close. Most normal girls frequent the discothèques and Karaoke Bars not the gentlemen clubs of Subic Freeport.
Most "normal" girls I know would never go near these famous prostitution houses especially when the US military is in town. Conversely, when the military is in town all the prostitutes "bar girls" come out of the wood work to ply their trade and the scam artist are abundant.
This is the reason I am skeptical the girl. Could be wrong place, wrong time but I would need to know more other than the girls word before I would send someone to the Gallows.
You believe the girl was raped for exactly the same reason you accuse me of believing she wasn’t. You are a racist to automatically take the side of your countryman without any evidence to support guilt or innocence either way. At least I’m keeping an open mind.
btw, the filipina that was gang raped was a college student and came from a wealthy family... maybe you's all like to know
ReplyDeleteOn this topic you will enjoy:
Thanks for caring so much about the Philippines. I hope you will also sign this Petition to save the children in Philippine Prisons as exposed on CNN's World Report just this week. It may shed some light on why the VFA contained that controversial provision. Let us just agree that BOTH governments have duties and responsibiliities to uphold the civil and constitutional rights of their citizens. Mabuhay!
ReplyDeleteEveryone, Filipino or not deserves unbiased justice because this type of crime doesn't just happen in one place but in different countries as well.
ReplyDeleteFilipino Attorneys