June 21-24: Toronto Anarchist Bookfair

The following from the fine folks putting on the Toronto Anarchist Bookfair next weekend - sadly, this year we will not be able to attend the bookfair, but i really encourage all of you who are nearby to check it out, looks like there will be great stuff happening!
Here is their call out:
We are planning a jam-packed weekend of workshops, speakers, debates, discussions, distros, good fun, good friends, good food, and of course good reads.
On Thursday evening, June 21, come out to the launch of the second volume of Subversions,
anarchist short fiction by the Anarchist Writers Bloc. The book launch will take place at 7pm at Detour Bar, in Kensington Market, 193 Baldwin Street. For more information see the Facebook event:
On Friday evening, weather permitting, join us for board games and baseball at Bickford Park. See the Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/347919565276913/
On Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm, join us at U of T. This year, we have over 20 amazing workshops, 40 tablers, as well as a Kid Zone with great kids' programming, an Anti-Authoritarian Indigenous/People of Colour space, a DIY space with flexible workshops, a space to relax if you need a nap, and an opportunity to connect with and hear about different projects that our fellow anarchists, anti-authoritarians, and radicals are involved in at a giant go-around. We have also identified that talking about and addressing racism in radical spaces must be a priority in our community and is a priority of the Bookfair program. As a result, “Racism in Radical Communities,” will be the topic of the closing panel discussion on Sunday. Tea and coffee will be available throughout the weekend and lunch will also be served on both days. Food and drinks will be offered for whatever you can pay.
On Saturday evening, there is a book launch for Beautiful Trouble: Toolbox for Revolution at 7pm at Tranzac. 292 Brunswick Avenue. Please see the Facebook event for more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/375859059129847/
We strive to make the Bookfair as accessible as we can. Some of the ways in which we do that is by making it a survivor-centric space, hosting the event at a barrier-free venue, offering food/drinks at a pay what you can rate, and providing kids' programing. If you have a specific request about how the Bookfair can be made more accessible for you, like ASL interpretation, attendant care, or other ways, please email to let us know as soon as possible and we’ll try our best! toanarchistbookfair@gmail.com
If you are coming from out of town and are hoping to spend the night in Toronto, please note that we have limited spots to offer, but do let us know in advance that you need a place to stay. If you need a place to stay, or can offer a place please contact Lindsay: linds.anotherboringaddress@gmail.com
The Bookfair is made possible by donations and volunteers, If you would like to help out with the Toronto Anarchist Bookfair, there are a couple of things that you can do.
First, make a donation! To make a donation please contact us: toanarchistbookfair@gmail.com
Second, you can volunteer to help us with taking on volunteer tasks.
If you want to help the food committee contact Frankie: frankie.filippelli@gmail.com
If you want to help with the Kid Zone, (write kid zone in the subject): toanarchistbookfair@gmail.com
If you want to help with outreach, postering, or flyering contact Joanna: jolitical@riseup.net
Share our facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/376709855699088/
Check out our website for the full schedule: http://torontoanarchistbookfair.wordpress.com/
We're looking forward to spending the weekend with you, soon!
This event is co-sponsored by OPIRG Toronto and Toronto Freeskool.
Provisional Workshops: Anarchism 101, Feminist Anarchism, Parent and Child Inclusivity in the Activist Community, Introduction to Radical Sexual Health, Organizational Issues during the Spanish Civil War, Anarchist Visions of Life After Capitalism, Struggling and Strategy, Animal Liberation from a Feminist Perspective, Anarchism and Community Organizing, No One Is Illegal, Empathy and Transparency in Alternative Relationships, IWW Direct Action and Solidarity Unionism, Mapuche and Anarchist Struggle, Plan Nord = Plan Mort, Reflecting on the G20, Trans and Genderqueer Issues, Drugs and Community Mobilizing, Anti-Ableism, The General Student Strike in Quebec, Know Your Rights, Settler Colonialism, Anarchists in Post-Revolutionary Egypt, Anti-State Communism, Bookbinding, Wallet-Making, Cartoon Drawing, Screen-printing, Bike Repair, etc.
Provisional Tables: Centre for Police Accountability, IWW, Autonomedia, Justice for Levi Coalition, Saint Henri Walking Distance Distro, Notes from Underground, BenderGear, Of Course you Can! Distro, Just Seeds, Arbeiter Ring Publishing, Between The Lines, Twelveohtwo, AK Press, Love and Rage, OCAP, NOII, Guelph ABC, KW Infoshop, Make Total Distro, Krystin Dunnion Zines, Fight Boredom Distro, Cartoons, Rebel Time, Kersplebedeb, PM Press, Shameless Mag, WCCC, Thoughcrime Ink, OPIRG, Beautiful Trouble, Common Cause, Kate Lavut Books and Comics, Tumbelweed Collective, DIY Arts and Crafts, Occupy FreeSkule, Fierce n’ Fabulous, Anti-Fascist Zines, Laughing Revolution, International Workers Group, RASH, UCL, Sisterhood, ARA, Look Mum! Zines, Irish Prisoner Support, Christian Anarchists, Anemone Distro, Iconoclast, Great Worms Distro, Beehive, Blank Space, Deep Green Resistance, etc.
website: torontoanarchistbookfair.wordpress.com
email: toanarchistbookfair@gmail.com
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